
Posts Tagged ‘Israelite’

Brilliant Article by Damien F. Mackey
The “Toledoths” of Genesis:


“As one discovers from reading Wiseman, tremendous instruction can be gained from studying the pattern of the Divine names used according to the context of each successive Toledoth history. ”



Click to access elshaddaymassey.pdf

The “breasted god”

Stone suggests that Shaddai is derived from the similar word, shad, which the Bible translates, “breast.”

“Victor P. Hamilton connects the word shad to the blessing of fertility and progeny in this verse (Gen. 49:25).[39] Stone connects the name, Shaddai with shad, and suggests that “Shaddai signifies one who nourishes, supplies and satisfies.”


The title “El” is a common name for god:

“By the way, the connection of Jacob with El is sometimes asserted on the basis of Jacobís other name, ìIsrael,î where ìElî is the last part of the name. Again, ìElî is a title for god that is often used in other personal names in Israel (such as ìSamuelî) and in neighboring nations. So in the Ammonite collection of personal names more than 150 contain the name ìElî, but most would affirm that the chief god of Ammon was Milkom, and that ìElî was a title of Milkom. One must be very careful about drawing lots of conclusions from a word that can be a title for any god in the West Semitic world.”


Canaanite religion was unlike the faith of the Israelites:

“As the myths of ancient Ugarit indicate, the religion of the Canaanite peoples was a crude and debased form of ritual polytheism. It was associated with sensuous fertility-cult worship of a particularly lewd and orgiastic kind, which proved to be more influential than any other nature religion in the ANE.”

“The word El is a generic name for “god” in Northwest Semitic (Hebrew and Ugaritic) and as such it is also used in the Old Testament for heathen deities or idols”


My video on the “Sons” of God

The Divine Council

“Yahweh (The Lord) produced the elohim and everything else without a consort. Yahweh’s (The Lord’s) “fatherhood” of the elohim can only be spoken of in formal terms. Lastly, the members of the council, contrary to ancient near eastern religions, cannot be viewed as genuine rivals to the Most High. Yahweh (The Lord) need not battle the divine beings to maintain His position as leader of the council and hence the cosmos. There are no mighty deeds ascribed to any other than Yahweh (The Lord). The elohim are obviously inferior. Yahweh (The Lord) is unchallenged and, in fact, unchallengeable.”

Click to access DT32BibSac.pdf

Regarding the literary similarities between the texts:

“It is improper exegesis to force pagan beliefs into the biblical text simply because of linguistic similarities. Further, as Leupold accurately concluded: “One need not be alarmed by such discoveries if one bears in mind that two slightly different types of Canaanite (or Hebrew) language are involved. Least of all is the dependence of the Hebrew production in such a case established” (1959, p. 17). The Bible has the right to define its own words and concepts; pagan myths are not the controlling factor of biblical interpretation.”



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